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Quality Links Drive Traffic To Your Website...

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Quality Links Lead To Search Engine Traffic
Search Engine Traffic Leads To Increased Revenue

The Internet is the world's most sophisticated, interconnected database. It is based on links and links continue to build the Internet. Search Engines organize the Internet and help us and our customers find information. If your website participates in building the Internet with relevant content and high quality links similar to DigitalJetstream, then your website will be in a good position and looked upon favorably by Search Engines.

Quality Links Are Key

Content is the most important part of a website. Quality links improve the content of your website. It's not enough to have outstanding content for Search Engines and web surfers to find your site. Your website should contain related links for your topic so that Search Engines and web surfers will consider your website to be an authority or hub for your topic and continue to return. Quality links are the key to increase traffic, revenue and success!

Quality links are also a courtesy to your visitors. You should always build your website with your visitors in mind. Links to related websites show your visitors that you care about them. Quality links also improve your page rank with Search Engines. An improved page rank will result in your website being displayed among the top sites in search results and increase visitors to your website.
Search Engines direct most of the traffic over the Internet so it makes good business sense for you to develop links to improve your page rank.

Traffic is the lifeblood of your website or online business. Without it, you won't succeed or survive. Unlike an offline business, there is no passerby traffic on the Internet. Search Engines are the # 1 way people search for information on the Internet. The easier your site is to find through Search Engines, the more visitors you will attract.

Inbound Links

Search Engines have been giving more and more weight to inbound links.
They help to establish credibility of the linked site. An inbound link from a high quality, related site tells the Search Engines that another site thinks enough of your site to link to it. This provides a first level relevance or reality check for the Search Engines.

Relevant inbound links from high quality or established websites can also mean the difference between sticking permanently in a Search Engine's database and being dropped periodically. Search Engines sometimes drop sites that do not have any relevant or high quality links. The only links that matter to Search Engines are links from high quality sites with themes related to your website.

Outbound Links

If you find high quality non-competing websites with themes related to your website, you should link to them. Information that enhances the experience of your site's visitors, enhances your credibility with your visitors and likely at the Search Engines too. This is a fundamental reality of the Web. People are searching for quality information. Your site should have outbound links to enhance your visitor's experience.

Search Engines are constantly updating their search algorithms so the focus of any website should be on quality and relevancy of information. High quality content along with relative outbound links will create something of value for the Internet. This is the best and simplest path to improving your chances of success with the Search Engines.

Reciprocal Links

Reciprocal links build targeted traffic and add value to most websites.
The benefits of a link exchange between two high quality, non-competing websites are multi-faceted. A link exchange can result in a better search engine ranking, increased targeted traffic and improved content value for visitors of both websites. However, exchanging links does not always make good sense for everyone in every situation.

You have no control over who links to your website so poor inbound links are unlikely to hurt you. But if you make poor outbound link choices, the Search Engines will penalize you for those mistakes. It degrades the quality of results they deliver. Always keep the best interests of your visitors in mind. In the long run, you will also gain at the Search Engines.

Our Quality Links

As mentioned above, the Internet is the world's most sophisticated, interconnected database and when it comes to products related to Internet information, no one other website is more connected than DigitalJetstream. We’re a provider of information aggregation services that supplies data to all industry professionals needing accurate timely information.  Our web services come highly recommended from all levels of web designers. Our Web Hosting, Cold Start Programs, Website Coaching Services, Hardware, Advertising and Consulting staff gives us a diversity in online successes not matched by many online companies. Try linking with us and see what happens.

We hope that you will consider DigitalJetstream for an outbound link on your website. As we grow in popularity and provide cutting edge products and services so will you. We have several banners to choose from along with the HTML codes for placement on your website. Please forward this information to your webmaster. Each of our banners will open into a new window when clicked by a visitor on your site. Your website will remain up in the background so your visitor can return after closing the new window.

If your website has a relevant theme to ours, we are confident that linking to our website will enhance the experience of your visitors. Contact Us via e-mail (AFTER LINKING TO OUR WEBSITE) with the complete URL address of the page where our link appears on your website. Please provide us with a location or HTML code to get your links from. We will then determine whether or not it is in both our best interests to provide each other with reciprocal links from our websites.

As always, our goal is to educate, not influence. So we hope that you've become more educated about the importance of inbound, outbound and reciprocal links to your website. One last piece of advice is to avoid link farms and free for all linking sites. Those sites have zero credibility and can seriously hurt your reputation with the Search Engines.

Please have your webmaster insert the following HTML code

into your website for the Technology Logo (322 x 88) shown below:

<a href="http://www.digitaljetstream.com/Main/Technology.html"target="_blank"> <img src="http://www.digitaljetstream.com/images/technology.png" border=0 alt="DigitalJetstream Technology"></a>

Please have your webmaster insert the following HTML code

into your website for the Advertising Logo (322 x 88) shown below:

<a href="http://www.digitaljetstream.com/Main/Advertise.html"target="_blank"> <img src="http://www.digitaljetstream.com/images/advertising.png" border=0 alt="DigitalJetstream Advertising"></a>

Please have your webmaster insert the following HTML code

into your website for the Mobile Services Logo (322 x 88) shown below:

<a href="http://www.digitaljetstream.com/Main/mobileservices.html"target="_blank"> <img src="http://www.digitaljetstream.com/images/mobileservices.png" border=0 alt="DigitalJetstream Mobile Services"></a>

Please have your webmaster insert the following HTML code

into your website for the Website Hosting Logo (322 x 88) shown below:

<a href="http://www.digitalhoststream.com/DHS/home.html"target="_blank"> <img src="http://www.digitaljetstream.com/images/websitehosting.png" border=0 alt="DigitalJetstream Website Hosting"></a>

Please have your webmaster insert the following HTML code

into your website for the VOIP Telephones Logo (322 x 88) shown below:

<a href="http://www.digitalphonestream.com/DPS/home.html"target="_blank"> <img src="http://www.digitaljetstream.com/images/voiptelephones.png" border=0 alt="DigitalJetstream VoIP Telephones"></a>

Please have your webmaster insert the following HTML code

into your website for the DigitalJetstream Advertising Logo (190 x 60) shown below:

<a href="http://www.digitaljetstream.com/Main/Advertise.html"target="_blank"><img src="http://www.digitaljetstream.com/images/advertisingsm.png" border=0 alt="DigitalJetstream: Advertising Logo"></a>

We’ve provided specific links to Digitaljetstream’s webpages in smaller sizes as well. These small icon links will take you to products and services we provide.  We also provide customers with their own link logo and coding. Custom sizes available on request.

Thanks for Linking with us....  

Please have your webmaster insert the following HTML code

into your website for the DigitalJetstream: Consulting Logo (190 x 60) below:

<a href="http://www.digitaljetstream.com"target="_blank"><img src="http://www.digitaljetstream.com/images/consultingsm.png" border=0 alt="DigitalJetstream: Consulting Logo"></a>

Please have your webmaster insert the following HTML code

into your website for the DigitalJetstream Technology Logo (190 x 60) shown below:

<a href="http://www.digitaljetstream.com/Main/Technology.html"target="_blank"> <img src="http://www.digitaljetstream.com/images/technologysm.png" border=0 alt="DigitalJetstream: Technology Logo"></a>

Please have your webmaster insert the following HTML code

into your website for the DigitalJetstream Logo (460 x 95) shown below:

<a href="http://www.digitaljetstream.com/Main/index.html"target="_blank"><img src="http://www.digitaljetstream.com/images/djlogonewname.png" border=0 alt="DigitalJetstream The Power of Information"></a>

Please have your webmaster insert the following HTML code

into your website for the Consulting Logo (322 x 88) shown below:

<a href="http://www.digitaljetstream.com/Main/index.html"target="_blank">
<img src="http://www.digitaljetstream.com/images/consulting.png" border=0 alt="DigitalJetstream Consulting Services"></a>

Please have your webmaster insert the following HTML code

into your website for the Consulting Logo (322 x 88) shown below:

<a href="http://www.digitaljetstream.com/Main/coachingmain.html"target="_blank">
<img src="http://www.digitaljetstream.com/images/coldstart.png" border=0 alt="DigitalJetstream Cold Start Coaching"></a>

Your Best Bundled Package for the Options!

Please have your webmaster insert the following HTML code

into your website for the DigitalJetstream: Mobile Services Logo (190 x 60) below:

<a href="http://www.digitaljetstream.com/Main/mobileservices.html"target="_blank"><img src="http://www.digitaljetstream.com/images/mobileservicessm.png" border=0 alt="DigitalJetstream: Mobile Services Logo"></a>

Please have your webmaster insert the following HTML code

into your website for the DigitalJetstream: Website Hosting Logo (190 x 60) below:

<a href="http://www.digitalhoststream.com/DHS/home.html"target="_blank"><img src="http://www.digitaljetstream.com/images/websitehostingsm.png" border=0 alt="DigitalJetstream: Website Hosting Logo"></a>

Please have your webmaster insert the following HTML code

into your website for the DigitalJetstream: Website Hosting Logo (190 x 60) below:

<a href="http://www.digitalphonestream.com/DPS/home.html"target="_blank"><img src="http://www.digitaljetstream.com/images/voiptelephonessm.png" border=0 alt="DigitalJetstream: VOIP Telephones Logo"></a>

Please have your webmaster insert the following HTML code

into your website for the DigitalJetstream: Cold Start Logo (190 x 60) below:

<a href="http://www.digitaljetstream.com/Main/coachingmain.html"target="_blank"><img src="http://www.digitaljetstream.com/images/coldstartsm.png" border=0 alt="DigitalJetstream: Consulting Logo"></a>

We’ve provided general links to Digitaljetstream’s website.
These links will take you to our Website Landing Page. The linking to our website will provide you valuable online traffic of people looking for products and services from creditable searches. We add value to your website. At the bottom of this page we’ve designed specific links to specific services we provide. You can use those links as well.

Thanks for Linking with us....  


Please have your webmaster insert the following HTML code

into your website for the DigitalJetstream Logo (245 x 55) shown below:

<a href="http://www.digitaljetstream.com/Main/index.html"target="_blank"><img src="http://www.digitaljetstream.com/images/djslogosm.png" border=0 alt="DigitalJetstream The Power of Information"></a>

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